Monday, June 22, 2009

Fillet Mignon

Yep, there were new kids on the block today, as it is Monday and Monday typically brings newcomers.  Patrick (the Irish kid), moved into the morning class, where he realized that he couldn’t sleep through class anymore like he did when Marta taught; Pilar, the first period teacher, is one tough cookie – and she does not stand for incorrect answers, let alone snoozing in class.  During conversation class, Reto was absent, leaving Gabriel, Denise (the quiet German girl), and me to ponder and discuss why we thought American clothes sizes were so large and why Gabriel had to shop in children’s stores whenever he visited New York.  Well that one’s a no-brainer, but I let them have their laughs and American fat jokes.  The afternoon class brought four new students, one of which from the United States!  But he was a bald car engineer from Massachusetts who looked to be in early to mid-forties.  Not much there to relate too, but I still took comfort in knowing there were other “Stupid Americans” there who could only speak one language: the universal language of English. Steve the car engineer is only staying for a week, though, and doesn’t seem to understand a lick of Spanish, so I am at a loss as to why he is in Aula 2 instead of the beginner class, but whatever floats his boat, I guess. Two other Americans enrolled in the school today, as was rumored today – perhaps I might make their acquaintances tomorrow. 


This evening my mother and I relaxed in our apartment, and I learned how to prepare Fillet Mignon with sautéed mushrooms and potatoes! It was quite delicious, if I do say so myself, despite the fact that we have trouble deciphering the “hieroglyphics” on the oven and microwave, as Mom puts it.  And by “hieroglyphics” I don’t mean Spanish – I mean there are actually little squiggles and symbols on our kitchen appliances that Einstein couldn’t figure out if he tried.  Nevertheless, we prepared a more than decent meal, and I took a stroll about the neighborhood for an hour or two before getting ready for bed.  ¡Hasta mañana!

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